Heard about this from my mum:
My dad was going out to throw the rubbish when this happened:
Neighbour's kid: Uncle, why aren't you wearing a shirt?
Daddy: Cos the weather's too hot.
Neighbour's kid: Ah. You don't have money to buy a fan?
Daddy: *Speechless*
My mother was laughing like crazy in the background when she heard this. Naturally when the story got to me, I was laughing like mad as well.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Twilight= Ewwww
I went to watch "A Christmas Carol" with my lab mates and bf yesterday and before the start of the movie, the theatre actually showed the twilight trailer. I swear it's like the worst thing ever! Lycans/werewolves do not look like dogs and vampires do not sparkle in the sun(actually they'll die when exposed to the sun). Oh what has stephanie meyer done to all my beloved creatures of the dark. KIDS! I can only look back to the days of the "underworld" series and "interview with a vampire".
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Hana Yori Dango-Tsukasa Domyoji
After watching the Taiwanese and Japanese versions and giving the Korean version a glance. I realised the hairstylists for all 3 versions just cannot get Domyoji's hair style right. This is what Tsukasa Domyoji's hair should really look like:
Image from: jak&jil
Monday, November 16, 2009
Down the path
I think I'm slowly reverting back to my good ole days... All I want to do after work is to go home, read papers, use the computer,watch tv and sleep. I'm going back to my "宅女"days... I'm not sure if that's a good sign.
Image from: fashion.yunnan.cn
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Korean Drama - "You're Beautiful"
I'm currently following this korean drama: "You're Beautiful", recommended by my dear colleague Huimei. I think it's a superb drama series as it totally deviates from the typical korean dramas (meaning no loving each other to death, no one falling ill or dying and the least amount of angst as possible). It really help me to relax after a day at work. And of course having ultimate bishounen(s) as the lead actors are an added advantage.
Image from: dramabeans
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Boring week
Well, nothing much happened this week besides work plus more work. Looking on the bright side, we're approaching the end of the year and things will hopefully slow down. I really hope the weather would stop being so erratic- It was raining throughout the whole week but super warm on the weekends!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Starbucks friday
Having the "50%-off starbucks coffee on last fridays of the month" can really brighten one's day.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Hello there beautiful
Due to fact that I was given MC for 2 days by the doctor, I'm stuck at home reading journal papers and resting. Since reading journal papers can be quite tiring, I decided to surf the net for a while just to relax. While reading up on nightingale floors of Nijo castle from Kyoto, I came across some information on ninjas or shinobi. Being the "geek" that I am, I went on to delve further into the ninja subject. Lo and behold, look what I found, check out this cool baby:

A girl can only dream...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Night Safari Halloween Special

Actually hor the stench was from the vistors to night safari. In addition to the massive crowd, the humid weather made everyone perspire like mad. So "occasionally" when you bumped into someone, the "pleasant" smell will assault your senses. The place was so crowded, that walking through the ghost trails isn't that scary as the screams from the front would have prepared you for what's to come. However, the terror tram ride was fantastic. The make-up of the scare party was top-notch and the plot used for each section was captivating. Although at the end of the ride, I believed fish and roy (I'm sitting between them)would have gone deaf from my screams and taichong's arms must have ached(I whacked him like mad for scaring me at the end of the train ride, sorry ven).

One of the staff harassing people
All in all, the trip was really good and we got to see many animals that didn't appear the other time. All these have to be credited to Roy, somehow that dude got some powers to make the animals appear. He just need to say the magical words: "Where's the *animal species*? *Animal species* would then appear!" Please bring him with you if you're going to view animal exhibits. =P

The magical but creepy night.
Japan Trip
I know I'm supposed to update about my trip to japan. Given the mountain load of photos, I'm just too lazy to load them to blogspot. Those interested in viewing them can refer to my facebook account. I've included a short description about the places I've visited as well. Hee.. Hope it'll make up for my laziness.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
In memory of
I'm still in shock and I'm sure everyone in lab is still in shock. We'll all miss him dearly...
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Short film.
Saw this video while doing some random blog reading. It's a great short film about communication. Though let's hope that people do not go to work looking so jaded like the male character at the start of the film.
A great thank you to fashionation for posting this in their blog. This short film is one of the 2009 Cannes Lions winners.
A great thank you to fashionation for posting this in their blog. This short film is one of the 2009 Cannes Lions winners.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
I attended the mayday concert yesterday and it's FREAKING AWESOME!!!!! Photos will come at a later date once I get them from my cousin.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Kudos to the old hero
I was on my way to meet my jc mates when I came across this incident. You know that there's reserved seats for the elderly, handicapped etc on the trains and usually these seats would be taken up by people who do not belong in these catergories. I must really applaud this old man for standing up for his rights. (He should be in his 70s)
When he entered the train at hougang, he realised that there're no seats available for him. He waited for a while, however no one sitting on the reserved seats gave up their seats for him. Therefore, he walked up to the reserved seat nearest to him, woke the dozing man and demanded that the man give up his seat to him. I'm sure the youngster got quite a shock when he was awakened by the old man and with everyone staring at him, he had no choice but to quickly vacate his seat. So kudos to the old man for doing that and hope that anyone reading would give up their seats(be it on trains or bus) to those in need. Thank you
When he entered the train at hougang, he realised that there're no seats available for him. He waited for a while, however no one sitting on the reserved seats gave up their seats for him. Therefore, he walked up to the reserved seat nearest to him, woke the dozing man and demanded that the man give up his seat to him. I'm sure the youngster got quite a shock when he was awakened by the old man and with everyone staring at him, he had no choice but to quickly vacate his seat. So kudos to the old man for doing that and hope that anyone reading would give up their seats(be it on trains or bus) to those in need. Thank you
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Seriously... I think some people are way too serious, add on to the fact that they complain about almost every single thing in their life, they're taking themselves way too seriously. Seriously... Now, see what that person made me do.
P.S : Seriously, I wanted to blog about my trip to bro's camp, watching NDP in pasir laba, the trip with the stingrays to night safari etc but i got side-tracked by this serious person. Relax dude!
P.S : Seriously, I wanted to blog about my trip to bro's camp, watching NDP in pasir laba, the trip with the stingrays to night safari etc but i got side-tracked by this serious person. Relax dude!
Sunday, August 02, 2009
I'm currently in love at the moment... with 2 people, although one isn't exactly alive or human.
Sebastian Michaelis from manga/anime "Kuroshitsuji"
Images from: fashioncopious, fotolog.com
Monday, July 27, 2009
I re-watched Code Geass again over the weekends. When it came to the relationship between Suzaku Kururugi and Euphemia li Britannia; Cornelia li Britannia and Gilbert G.P. Guilford, I can't help but think of this phrase "What's a knight compared to a prince?"
I realise that knights are quite sad creatures as they have to try really hard not to neglect their duties but they will never be the prince and must contend with being bystanders.
Image from deviantart
Saturday, July 25, 2009
I've finally graduated from NTU. Wooo Hoooo... Shan't say much, let the pictures do the talking.
Main Stage Area
My family, was super touched that my grandparents came.
There're so many pictures that I took with my other friends and I can't post all. But all in all, the feeling that you've finally grduated is soooo gooood...
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Food for thought?
I was surfing the net, getting my daily dose of fashion news when I came across this youtube video about the model Vlada Roslyakova. In the video, they acknowledge her as their thinspiration princess. Being the mountain tortoise that I am, I went to google the word "thinspiration" and what I found was quite shocking. According to wikipedia.org, thinspiration is a word derived from people who view their "thinspiration" as people they want to be as thin as. This people are usually "Pro-ana" which means they promote having anorexia nervosa as a lifestyle choice.

Vlada at Elie Saab Couture Fall 2009
When I read the articles, I was like what the @#$%&*! These people are crazy, they even have blogs to "help" their fellow "Pro-ana"s lose weight (to skeletal proportions) and suggest ideas to avoid detections by doctors and families. I mean I'm always ranting on and on about going on diet (which never happens) but what these people are doing borders on insanity. Sometimes you never get some people who drive themselves to self-destruction.
Information from wikipedia.org
Vlada at Elie Saab Couture Fall 2009
When I read the articles, I was like what the @#$%&*! These people are crazy, they even have blogs to "help" their fellow "Pro-ana"s lose weight (to skeletal proportions) and suggest ideas to avoid detections by doctors and families. I mean I'm always ranting on and on about going on diet (which never happens) but what these people are doing borders on insanity. Sometimes you never get some people who drive themselves to self-destruction.
Information from wikipedia.org
Monday, July 20, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Had stingray outing on sunday and during one of our many 'interesting' conversations, this question came up: "What if zebras have spots instead of stripes?" Of course, the many answers that came up are quite hilarious but I think joleen's answer "rocks". (Then there won't be zebra crossings) Haha... Outings with the stingrays are always filled with laughter.
Fish if you're reading this, please remember that you need to accumulate good krama. :P
Image from: wikimedia.org
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Monday, July 06, 2009
Since the previous post was about M.J and his death, I thought it was befitting that I add this poem I found while surfing the net.
Mary Oliver, White Flowers
Last night
in the fields
I lay down in the darkness
to think about death,
but instead I fell asleep,
as if in a vast and sloping room
filled with those white flowers
that open all summer,
sticky and untidy,
in the warm fields.
When I woke
the morning light was just slipping
in front of the stars,
and I was covered
with blossoms.
I don’t know
how it happened—
I don’t know
if my body went diving down
under the sugary vines
in some sleep-sharpened affinity
with the depths, or whether
that green energy
rose like a wave
and curled over me, claiming me
in its husky arms.
I pushed them away, but I didn’t rise.
Never in my life had I felt so plush,
or so slippery,
or so resplendently empty.
Never in my life
had I felt myself so near
that porous line
where my own body was done with
and the roots and the stems and the flowers
began. (Oliver, 1992, pp. 58-59).
Lovely piece by Mary Oilver linking nature and death. I love how she mentioned not knowing what happened. The "I don't know"s and the phrase about nearing the "porous line" just brings the reader closer to the idea.
Please note that this is not an emo post even though it mentions about death, I just got bitten by a tiny literature bug.
Mary Oliver, White Flowers
Last night
in the fields
I lay down in the darkness
to think about death,
but instead I fell asleep,
as if in a vast and sloping room
filled with those white flowers
that open all summer,
sticky and untidy,
in the warm fields.
When I woke
the morning light was just slipping
in front of the stars,
and I was covered
with blossoms.
I don’t know
how it happened—
I don’t know
if my body went diving down
under the sugary vines
in some sleep-sharpened affinity
with the depths, or whether
that green energy
rose like a wave
and curled over me, claiming me
in its husky arms.
I pushed them away, but I didn’t rise.
Never in my life had I felt so plush,
or so slippery,
or so resplendently empty.
Never in my life
had I felt myself so near
that porous line
where my own body was done with
and the roots and the stems and the flowers
began. (Oliver, 1992, pp. 58-59).
Lovely piece by Mary Oilver linking nature and death. I love how she mentioned not knowing what happened. The "I don't know"s and the phrase about nearing the "porous line" just brings the reader closer to the idea.
Please note that this is not an emo post even though it mentions about death, I just got bitten by a tiny literature bug.
Sunday, July 05, 2009
I know I'm a little late with this post on Michael Jackson but after watching a replay of his concert on TV, I'm inspired to search for his music videos. I love the whole 'courtship dance' ritual for his music video for "In the Closet". M.J plus Naomi Campbell equals super sexiness! He's really a great dancer. RIP M.J
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Chubby people live longest: Japan study
I was reading the online news this afternoon when I came across this article. The Japanese apparently did some study on how a person's weight can affect their livespan.
From the article itself: "Health experts have long warned of the risk of obesity, but a new Japanese study warns that being very skinny is even more dangerous, and that slightly chubby people live longer."
Woohooo.. Does that mean I can eat more now?
Source: AFP, Yahoo News
From the article itself: "Health experts have long warned of the risk of obesity, but a new Japanese study warns that being very skinny is even more dangerous, and that slightly chubby people live longer."
Woohooo.. Does that mean I can eat more now?
Source: AFP, Yahoo News
Sunday, June 21, 2009
In control?
Humans would always want to be in control of the things they do and being part of these species does not exclude me from this trait.
When faced with people with charisma or beauty or humor or ideal body, people can just lost control. They would always try to grasp at something they can attain. I guess I'm just human for wanting that.
When faced with people with charisma or beauty or humor or ideal body, people can just lost control. They would always try to grasp at something they can attain. I guess I'm just human for wanting that.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I learnt a new word today (Points to the word in the title). Somehow I don't know if I should feel insulted or flattered should someone calls me this.
From wikipedia.org:
In the slang of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, boffins are scientists, engineers, and other people who are stereotypically seen as engaged in technical or scientific research. Also, a boffin is a particularly clever person. 'Boffin' is an insult used by British teenagers. American equivalent is "Egghead".
From wikipedia.org:
In the slang of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, boffins are scientists, engineers, and other people who are stereotypically seen as engaged in technical or scientific research. Also, a boffin is a particularly clever person. 'Boffin' is an insult used by British teenagers. American equivalent is "Egghead".
Saturday, June 13, 2009
This is just a post derived from my random thought process, if you do not like to read such entries please move on. Thanks...
After reading someone's blog, I sorta agree with that person to a certain extent.(So GP essay rite) Sometimes, meeting up with friends become such as chore because the other parties are super busy or that people cancel last minute or they just cannot commit their time to the outing. Sigh... Somehow, you will seem like the super free one or desperate one cos others are so busy yet you're so free to organise the outing and go for it. I admit that there are times when people can be really busy as I have that experience before. But it's tiring to be the organiser and having to coordinate the timing etc.
A belated apology and sorry in advance if I've been in the role of the other party that keeps running out of the appointment. I'll be more understanding in the future and attend my outings.
After reading someone's blog, I sorta agree with that person to a certain extent.(So GP essay rite) Sometimes, meeting up with friends become such as chore because the other parties are super busy or that people cancel last minute or they just cannot commit their time to the outing. Sigh... Somehow, you will seem like the super free one or desperate one cos others are so busy yet you're so free to organise the outing and go for it. I admit that there are times when people can be really busy as I have that experience before. But it's tiring to be the organiser and having to coordinate the timing etc.
A belated apology and sorry in advance if I've been in the role of the other party that keeps running out of the appointment. I'll be more understanding in the future and attend my outings.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Models and Celebs
I was just surfing through the internet when I stumble upon this:
Oh my goodness! Emma Watson for Burberry Fall 2009. I didn't really expect it. (In case people don't know, Emma's the actress playing Hermione in the Harry Potter movies.) She looks fantastic though somehow I still feel like it lacks something. I always prefer having models fronting campaigns because they got this out of this world look that mesmerize me although I have to say that Jennifer Connelly for Balenciaga S/S 2008 was a huge exception as she kicked ass in that campaign.
And of course talking about models fronting campagins, my all time favourite is Sasha Pivovarova for Prada. Her past Prada campaigns are so lovely that I practically want every bag she's carrying.

In my opinion, Sasha Pivovarova is the best in Prada's S/S 2008 campaign. Love her to bits.

Source: fotodecadent, emmawatson.net, stylefrizz.com
Monday, June 08, 2009
A Realisation
This post is in relation to the discovery I've made on this one person.
Well, it started out as something I did to pacify someone. But somehow, I made a startling realisation.
I never knew you felt that way about the things in life and the many many restrictions you face on almost daily basis. I somehow managed to understand you more and I feel somewhat guilty about the petty views I've made regarding your personality. I will never understand your character and you'll probably never understand mine as we've different views regarding our place in the social spectrum. However, this discovery has allowed me a glimpse into a life that I will not have. I'm happy with what I'm given and glad that I'm molded like that. It's still an insightful view that really leaves lots of food for thought...
P.S. Simin, I've finally updated k. I'll try to update more often. Did I mention that I simply adore my juniors.
Well, it started out as something I did to pacify someone. But somehow, I made a startling realisation.
I never knew you felt that way about the things in life and the many many restrictions you face on almost daily basis. I somehow managed to understand you more and I feel somewhat guilty about the petty views I've made regarding your personality. I will never understand your character and you'll probably never understand mine as we've different views regarding our place in the social spectrum. However, this discovery has allowed me a glimpse into a life that I will not have. I'm happy with what I'm given and glad that I'm molded like that. It's still an insightful view that really leaves lots of food for thought...
P.S. Simin, I've finally updated k. I'll try to update more often. Did I mention that I simply adore my juniors.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Happiness to the max!
I'm never felt so happy when I saw my results for FYP. It just gives me a great sense of achievement! I've done it.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Ups and downs
Within the span of 1 week, I experienced a state of euphoria to a sense of dejection. In a nutshell, it's really a bumpy week for me. I never expected the swine flu to affect me in such a direct fashion but it did, in a huge huge way. I'm not going to japan for grad trip as my mother is super super against it. Well this is in light of the recent spat of infections that's spreading to the other countries, even to a short trip to thailand is not possible as there've been reported cases there. Sigh... Given my work schedule when I start work, I don't really know when will I have such a long break again. I think I must really apologise to joleen as she can't go on this trip now because of me. Sorry joleen. We'll go some other time then.
On a lighter note, I attended my school's dinner and dance on friday. It was really an enjoyable experience, kudos to the organising committee. I can't believe I'm on my way to graduation. 4 years just passed by so quickly...
On a lighter note, I attended my school's dinner and dance on friday. It was really an enjoyable experience, kudos to the organising committee. I can't believe I'm on my way to graduation. 4 years just passed by so quickly...

Tuesday, May 05, 2009
End of FYP
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Went to batam during the weekend with jx. I must say it's really a relaxing trip. Sometimes it's just nice to go on a short trip but the stuff on the island could be slightly cheaper. Then again as tourists, you can't expect that the locals wouldn't take the opportunity to charge a price any less. Though sometimes you can only hope.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I seriously need to...
LOSE WEIGHT. I'm so sick at myself for neglecting my body during the FYP period. Late nights + stress + snacking = flabby xiaohui. I can't even stand looking at myself in the mirror. Seriously need to tone up, gotta work hard and just run and run. Hopefully I can get back to my pre-uni days.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Thesis submitted
I have finally submitted my thesis on friday... It's really a huge sense of relief and I believe I say this for many FYP students (except for those who asked for extension). Now all that's left is poster submission and grad trip. Woooo Hoooo. I can't wait.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
FYP updates
Thesis submission is only ~2 weeks from now. I can't believe I'm graduating soon. Yeah! So now I just gotta chiong all the way... Hopefully I can get a A or A+ for FYP. My life till 17th Apr will revolve around writing my thesis and doing lab work. Ganbatte Kudasai!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Fashion Week...
Well, Paris fashion week for Fall 2009 Ready-To-Wear is finally over which means all the RTW collections have been showcased. I haven't been taking note of the other "fashion week"s as I'm super busy with my FYP, so finally with some time at hand I decided to surf style.com for the fashion shows. My favourite collections so far are from Chanel (All-time favourite) and Comme des Garçons. I'm totally in love with the blacks and whites presented over at Chanel. I should try to modify my mum's black dress to look like the one from the runway. Now if only I can find a good tailor.

Moving on to the CdG collection, the cropped jackets are uber cool and I think they could fit nicely in the s'porean context given the erratic weather we're facing. I do love the baggy skirts too as they're able to help cover my ugly legs yet make people look so stylish at the same time. Too bad I'm just a struggling FYP student with no money to my name. Meanwhile, I just got to settle for drooling at the lovely lovely clothes from style.com

**All images in this post are credited to style.com

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Plot for a taiwanese drama?
It happened one Saturday afternoon. A girl was on her way out on the MRT train. She was reading her novel and the guy sitting directly opposite her was reading his newspapers. Then she put down her book to reply a text message. At the same time, the guy opposite also stopped reading and looked up. Eye contact was made between the two and they both realised that they're wearing the same necklace just that the guy's necklace was like a male version of the necklace(more chunky). So what do you think happened?
Well, nothing happened. They just continue doing their own stuff. The guy went back to his newspapers and the girl back to her novel. Although I think such cheesy stuff can be utilized for some potential drama plot about the soulmates nonsense. Hahaha...
P.S. I think the pendant most probably is some fengshui related thingy.
Well, nothing happened. They just continue doing their own stuff. The guy went back to his newspapers and the girl back to her novel. Although I think such cheesy stuff can be utilized for some potential drama plot about the soulmates nonsense. Hahaha...
P.S. I think the pendant most probably is some fengshui related thingy.
Monday, March 02, 2009
Dr Martens Lottie 8 Eye Boot
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Does She Love You?
Found this while surfing the net and I think it's oh-so-sweet... Haha
"If she hides your shoes when you’re late for work, and from a supine position on the couch plays “Hot/Cold,” and, finally, after 15 minutes of you ignoring her screaming, “Boiling! Burning up!” every time you stalk angrily by the dishwasher, gets up, flips it open to reveal the shoes, sitting there among the plates, and hands them over with a kiss and a giggle, and then laughs some more as you tie your laces in a silent rage: She loves you.
If she calls you at work that day to ask, “How are those shoes working out?”: She loves you.
If when you get home you try to hide something of hers, she finds it immediately, shaking her head, and when she pulls whatever it is—oven mitts or stretch pants—from behind the couch, she looks at you and without any attempt to hide her pity, says, “I love you”: She loves you."
Excerpt from "Does She Love You?" by Pasha Malla
"If she hides your shoes when you’re late for work, and from a supine position on the couch plays “Hot/Cold,” and, finally, after 15 minutes of you ignoring her screaming, “Boiling! Burning up!” every time you stalk angrily by the dishwasher, gets up, flips it open to reveal the shoes, sitting there among the plates, and hands them over with a kiss and a giggle, and then laughs some more as you tie your laces in a silent rage: She loves you.
If she calls you at work that day to ask, “How are those shoes working out?”: She loves you.
If when you get home you try to hide something of hers, she finds it immediately, shaking her head, and when she pulls whatever it is—oven mitts or stretch pants—from behind the couch, she looks at you and without any attempt to hide her pity, says, “I love you”: She loves you."
Excerpt from "Does She Love You?" by Pasha Malla
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Well, the day didn't start off too well as I woke up late and ended up in lab late. So all the plans of meeting with jx is pushed back till late morning-early noon. Nevertheless, we had a enjoyable day of picnic at Botanic Gardens. The place changed so much since I last came (during my year 1 FOC), it's really a good place to just sit down, chill and relax. Thankfully the sandwiches and pasta salad I prepared was edible. Hahaha, gotta try to work on my cooking.
Since jx is not too keen on individual shots, I only managed a shot of his legs. Haha.
Matching shoes?
We then went to Seafood Paradise @ Singapore Flyer for dinner. The milk crab was fantastic, the standard is maintained despite the fact that it's just a branch of the original restaurant. Two thumbs up! All in all, it may not seem like lovey dovey v-day, but we enjoyed ourselves. Cheers!
Monday, February 02, 2009
movie and a mini gossip

As for the surprise of the day, Melo and I saw Dawn Yeoh as in mediacorp actress aka "act cute extraordinaire" in the movie theatre and she's not alone. She's with this guy which is also from mediacorp (though I dun really recognise him since I dun really watch alot of dramas). From the looks of things (we sat behind them by accident), they're quite close. Hehehe... I'm sure whether this is old news but one thing's for sure - She's super manja. BLEAH...
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
CNY Update
Well, it seems most of the blogs i follow have a Chinese New Year update, thus I've decided to go with the flow and do a mini update.
Here's a brief summary:
I had reunion dinner with my family plus my cousins' bfs on new yr's eve eve thus leaving me with new year's eve free. Though I have to go back to lab to maintain my cells, they're my baby for now so i can't neglect them during the festive season. I managed to find the topshop dress (which i wore on the first day) in my size at raffles city during my brief romp after my lab. Woo Hooo. Well, for the first 2 days, it's just feasting and collecting angbaos which is basically the same as always. Sad to say though, i lost about 8 bucks playing mahjong. I need more luck man! Haha... As for now let the photos do the talking...

First Day of CNY (With my brother)
That's all folks. Dun really feel like loading too many photos since blogspot is giving me problems.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Sort-of spring cleaning
My mother finally went into the spring cleaning mood, thus the whole family got dragged into it. I must admit it's sort of good since the house will be neat and tidy come CNY and you'll get a sense of achievement the moment you see your room sparkling clean.
Sometimes, there are moments during spring cleaning that you love, some include compiling all the cards or mini notes your friends have given you throughout the past year and then reading them again. You'll just experience the warm fuzzy feeling again, like as the first time you're receiving it.
However, I'm sad to say that I did not finish cleaning my room as I just have too much things piling up.(Due to moving all my stuff back from hall) I shall aspire to clear my room bit by bit throughout the week so I could see the final result of my room looking neat and tidy during the new year. Hopefully my lab work this week would not be too taxing...
Sometimes, there are moments during spring cleaning that you love, some include compiling all the cards or mini notes your friends have given you throughout the past year and then reading them again. You'll just experience the warm fuzzy feeling again, like as the first time you're receiving it.
However, I'm sad to say that I did not finish cleaning my room as I just have too much things piling up.(Due to moving all my stuff back from hall) I shall aspire to clear my room bit by bit throughout the week so I could see the final result of my room looking neat and tidy during the new year. Hopefully my lab work this week would not be too taxing...
Saturday, January 10, 2009
A present and A wedding
I attended Jx brother's wedding 2 nights ago and I say the food was fantastic. I rarely get to dress up for occasions so was quite glad to be able to finally wear my miu miu-inspired dress. Photos will come later when i get them.
And last night Jx finally gave me my anniversary gift, my current dvd obssession(I know I'm abit slow)- 5 Centimeters Per Second: a chain of short stories about their distance (秒速5センチメートルアチェインオブショートストリーズアバウトゼアディスタンス)( I've been trying to search for this DVD online but amazon keeps giving me crappy search results or 2nd-hand DVDs.)
And last night Jx finally gave me my anniversary gift, my current dvd obssession(I know I'm abit slow)- 5 Centimeters Per Second: a chain of short stories about their distance (秒速5センチメートルアチェインオブショートストリーズアバウトゼアディスタンス)( I've been trying to search for this DVD online but amazon keeps giving me crappy search results or 2nd-hand DVDs.)

Now moving on to the anime, I'm totally in love with the plot and the graphics in the anime is fantastic. I think the director/ creator Makoto Shinkai brings out the emotions of the characters really well and the backdrop created was scenic. "5cm per second" really overtaken my admiration for his earlier works like "She and Her Cat". I'm off to drool over the greatness that's Makoto Shinkai. Ja...
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
First Post
I finally decided to update this forsaken blog which thus far have been used to view people's blog. Well, at least it's better than an empty blog. I haven't been doing much just doing FYP and occasionally going on outings. That's all to my life for now. Shall update soon.
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