I was just surfing through the internet when I stumble upon this:

Oh my goodness! Emma Watson for Burberry Fall 2009. I didn't really expect it. (In case people don't know, Emma's the actress playing Hermione in the Harry Potter movies.) She looks fantastic though somehow I still feel like it lacks something. I always prefer having models fronting campaigns because they got this out of this world look that mesmerize me although I have to say that Jennifer Connelly for Balenciaga S/S 2008 was a huge exception as she kicked ass in that campaign.
And of course talking about models fronting campagins, my all time favourite is Sasha Pivovarova for Prada. Her past Prada campaigns are so lovely that I practically want every bag she's carrying.

In my opinion, Sasha Pivovarova is the best in Prada's S/S 2008 campaign. Love her to bits.
Source: fotodecadent, emmawatson.net, stylefrizz.com